Thursday, November 25, 2010

Give Thanks Always

Not only is this my first Thanksgiving apart from all of my family, but it's also the first Thanksgiving I've spent in a foreign country, in a country that can hardly relate (in a positive way) to this holiday. I don't think I've ever felt so much appreciation for Thanksgiving as I do now. Right now families all across the US are waking up, turning on the Macy's Day Parade or the football game, and being tortured with the aroma of turkey, boiling potatoes, stuffing, and pie. Americans are being surrounded with loved ones who have traveled from places near and far, all for the purpose of giving thanks, for being thankful for all the blessings God has poured over them.

Meanwhile, back in England, it's a normal day of routine. Wake up, breakfast, quiet time, lecture, lunch, work duties, dinner, outreach meeting, free time, bed. And as I'm sitting in my bed trying to stay warm, I can't help but be thankful for my American citizenship, for having one day every year where routine is broken and loved ones gather just to give thanks to God, for His goodness, provision, love, and everything else in between. I've taken advantage of Thanksgiving as an American in America, but now I'm an American in England, and there's a whole new significance to this day. And I hope I won't take it for granted any more.

I am thankful for Thanksgiving. I'm thankful to be American. I'm thankful for my family and my friends. I'm thankful for my dogs. I'm thankful for the body of Christ, who support me and love me. I'm thankful for being in England. I'm thankful for my DTS leaders, staff, and peers. I'm thankful for new relationships. I'm thankful for long-lasting relationships. I'm thankful for the love, hope, joy, peace that my God gives. I'm thankful for God's glorious provision. I'm thankful that God is a God of love and relationship. I'm thankful for sunshine, the ocean, hot sand, forests, clouds, rain, and a few minutes of SNOW today! I'm thankful for a roof over my head. I'm thankful, so very thankful. And even though I'm not home with my family and we're not celebrating Thanksgiving here, it doesn't mean that I'm not celebrating it here in my heart (and also a bit outwardly)! My prayer is that if you are able to celebrate this wonderful American holiday of thanks, that you give thanks! And celebrate it to the fullest!

Although we aren't necessarily celebrating Thanksgiving today, we did have a Thanksgiving-themed Love Feast this past Sunday. We attempted to make it as American as possible. It didn't nearly compare to a true American Thanksgiving, but it was as good as we could get in England, and Thanksgiving in England in itself is something to be thankful for! We had a game of real American football (not soccer!), a delicious feast, a slide show of what everyone on base is thankful for, a "No Talent Talent Show," and a viewing of "It's a Wonderful Life." Not bad, right?! Here are some pictures of the day. Enjoy!

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