Saturday, October 30, 2010


That's right! I'm going to India for my outreach! I'll be spending the last half of December and all of January and February in the second most populated country in the world.

I'll just quickly tell why I chose to go to India instead of Fiji or Iceland:
Back in the spring, I asked God where He wanted me to do my DTS. Most prominently, He revealed England to me, which is obviously where I went. But in addition to England, God also told me India. (I had almost forgotten about this until I found out that India was an option for outreach.) Also, God had begun to put India on my heart about a month before I even thought about doing a DTS. And after God had told me to do my DTS in India, it really began to be heavy on my heart. Once I had decided on going to Holmsted Manor, India constantly popped up all around me and haunted me, and my heart for this country continued to grow. I just knew that God was going to take me there at some point in my life. So when I was given the options of Fiji, Iceland, and India, I knew exactly where I was supposed to go. I was prepared to say "no" to India, however, and I did wonder if this wasn't my time to go, but when I questioned that, God instantly said that I was crazy for thinking of going anywhere BUT India. And that is why I'll be spending Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day in a country so desperate for Jesus with people that were strangers to me just months before.

Here's a bit of information about India:

As I said before, India is the second most populous nation in the world, with about 1.2 billion people. It contains about 17.5% of the world's population in a land that takes up only 2.4% of the earth's land. As for religion, about 81% of the population are Hindu, 13% Muslim, and only about 2% Christian. Although it is greatly overshadowed by Hinduism and Islam, Christianity is the third largest religion.

India is commonly known for the Taj Mahal, Gandhi, curry, saris (which I get to wear!), and the infamous Bollywood. Here's a little sample of Bollywood called Pray 4 India by a famous Bollywood singer.

While I'm in India, I'm hoping to see a real Bollywood film, the Taj Mahal, and to ride an elephant. My team and I are also expecting God to show up in mighty ways and do some crazy things. Miracles are definitely not out of the question (they're actually expected!) and we expect to make an eternal difference in this nation that is so filled with darkness and fear. We are still in the very early stages of planning, so please pray for the staff who are leading: that they may find the right contacts and places for us to go, and also for cheap flights. I also ask that as we plan you pray for us as a team in preparation of our minds, bodies, and souls. As I learn more, I'll be sure to update and let you know!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support! I really do appreciate it, and it's so comforting to know I have people back home and across the world lifting me up and thinking of me! God bless. :)

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