Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I miss. I love.

 A mural in the beach town of Brighton.
Now that I've been at Holmsted for 3 weeks (already?!), I've begun to miss some things, but I've also begun to fall in love with some things:
Our football (soccer) field.

I think most of all, I miss my dogs. I miss good salads and a variety of fresh fruit. I miss yogurt, granola, and fruit for breakfast.

I love playing volleyball barefoot (in the mud). I love walking on the 17 acres of land while admiring God's creation. I love reading my Bible and journaling while sitting in the windowsill of my second story room. I love looking at the sky, especially when there aren't many clouds (so many stars and beautiful sunsets).

I miss laying on hot cement in the sun. I miss walking outside to find bearable temperatures.

Sitting and watching double-decker
buses almost run over people.
I love dressing in layers. I love wearing winter clothes. I love mittens and socks.

I miss having space and a place for all of my stuff.  I miss my laundry basket. I miss sheets on my bed. I miss walking barefoot indoors. I miss carpet.

I love cleaning my room with my roommates on Sundays. I love vacuuming the floors, walls, and ceilings of our pet spiders and other insects.

I miss my family. I miss my friends.

I love the relationships and friendships that I'm building. I love living in community and I love having 7 roommates.

I love scaring unsuspecting people. I love playing games. I love free time. I love the weekends.
I can go home satisfied now that I
have found a red phone booth.

I love different accents. I love being myself (burps and all).

I love noise. I love the quiet. I love the sound of nature. 

I love worship, I love intercession, I love lectures. 

And I love what God is doing, both with me and with my DTS as a whole.

I love and I miss. But I mostly love.

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