Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to India!

It's hard to believe it's been only two weeks since I arrived in India. Straight away it started out rough, with only half of our team making it onto the plane from London to Mumbai. After waiting 24 hours to reunite, crazy jet lag, an 18 hour bus ride through the jungle of India, and extremely scary taxi rides, all 12 of our team members made it to the small town of Upas Nagar, Goa. We had a slow start with our work, allowing us to catch up on sleep, celebrate Christmas on the beach, and acclimate to the completely new culture of India. There have been some ups and downs, but I am falling in love with this place more and more every day. I absolutely love India, the Indian people, the music, the jungle nature, and the WARM weather!

Slum on beach at one of our locations

This is just a preview of the updates, pictures, and videos that are to come soon!

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