Friday, September 10, 2010

A Bit of History

As I'm soon leaving for England to do my DTS, I thought it would be a good idea to set up a blog to update everyone back home on the goings on in my life. And what better way to start it off than with a bit of background info as to how I came to this point in my life:

Over the past years I've known of, to me, an abnormally high amount of young people leaving the comforts of everything they knew in their Camarillo bubble to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with the international, interdenominational, Christian organization Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I always thought to myself, "What a great opportunity for them! But that's not for me. At least not right now." You see, I had a plan. Two years of community college and then transfer to a university to study... what? I don't know. Something.

During my second year at Ventura College, however, the Lord started to reveal His plan for me. Having decided I would major in food science and nutrition, I applied to transfer to two universities: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and University of Hawai'i, Manoa. But at that same time the Lord planted the idea of YWAM into my mind. I researched more about it, looked into some bases in Hawai'i and some other sunny settings, but I did nothing about it. I told myself that if Cal Poly and UHM didn't accept me that God wanted me to do a DTS, and I would obediently go. I had a trick up my sleeve, though--I did well in school and I was sure that I would get in to at least one, if not both, schools.

Over the months of waiting to hear about acceptance, God was growing my desire for missions. Perhaps I could use my nutrition knowledge to spread the love of God. I resolved to seriously look into doing a DTS after graduating. To me, there was no point in doing it anytime before. I couldn't imagine myself as a college dropout. And what could I do without a college degree? My pride kept me from clearly hearing God's call.

I was first accepted into Cal Poly in early February. Ecstatic, I anxiously waited to hear from Hawai'i. In the meantime, I weighed the pros and cons of each school. It soon became late March and I still had no word. The following week I was going on a weeklong trip with the high schoolers (as I'm a leader) to YWAM Las Vegas to take part in Mission Adventures, and for whatever reason, I felt like I needed to accept Cal Poly's offer without hearing from UHM. (Later, I realized I did this in my last subconscious effort to ignore God's calling for my life!)

Evangelizing on the Strip in Las Vegas
Throughout that week in Vegas, however, God transformed my heart. And knocked me hard on the head. He multiplied my love for the lost more than I'd ever had before. He gave me more desire than ever before to be completely used by God, to wholly surrender my life for His cause, to be His hands and feet. Most of all, God humbled me. He revealed to me how I had been so proud of getting an education, how I thought getting a bachelor's degree was the only way of success in this world. In this world. I was following the ways of the world. I thought I was in the will of God, but I was blinded and followed my own plans. I forgot to listen. I forgot to submit. That week I was pulled back into following God's will and submitting to his plan. My first action: giving up transferring in the fall and doing a DTS.

I went home knowing I would have to humble myself even more. I told Cal Poly I wouldn't be attending their university in the fall. The week after my return, I received my acceptance letter from UHM. That was God's little way of laughing at me, saying, "Ha! I've got you now!" And I just laughed along in agreement.

Holmsted Manor, England
So here I am. Six months later and 12 days away from going to England for my DTS! (Don't let the picture fool you, it's definitely not a hot and sunny destination like Hawai'i.) And I am so excited to be stretched, taught, and used by my glorious Creator. Also, to perfect the English accent. :)

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