Sunday, October 3, 2010


Hanging out in the window from my room.
Eleven days ago I embarked on a new journey of firsts. I said my first goodbyes to my parents for a long period of time. I had my first flight over the Atlantic Ocean, my first steps on European land, my first  stamp on my passport. Most of all, I had my first big step towards adulthood, towards independence. This was my first time leaving all I knew for something so foreign and so unknown to me, completely by myself. And I absolutely love it. Of course I miss everybody back home, but there are so many new and exciting things going on here at Holmsted that I barely have time to think about it.

I arrived in London on a typical English day: overcast and rainy. And as I stepped off the plane in my flip flops and t-shirt I was overwhelmed with excitement to finally have made it to this new and foreign land. After lots of sweat and walking back and forth with 2 checked and 2 carry-on bags, an hour long bus ride, and a half hour car ride on the wrong side of the road, I made it to my new home for the next 6 months! As I had a tour of Holmsted Manor the only words I could say were, "Oh my gosh . . . oh my gosh . . . oh my gosh!" I don't think I've ever been in such a beautiful home hidden with so much history on the walls, on the doors, in the bathrooms, in the 17 acres of land. I still can't believe God has chosen to take me to such a beautiful environment. I can't get enough of it. I've spent hours in one room specifically: The Leather Room. On its walls is Italian leather wallpaper. It has been said that Holmsted is one of only 3 buildings in England with it, worth about 10,000 pounds! It is pure beauty.

The Leather Room
Our days are full from the beginning to the end. We have breakfast, a time of worship or intercession, lecture, lunch, work duties (I cook dinner in the kitchen!), dinner (or tea, in England), and usually a planned activity either in the afternoon or at night. We have worship 3 days a week, one with the whole base (which I LOVE), and 2 days of intercession (again, one with the whole base). We have small groups, one-to-ones, and a local outreach on Friday nights. The days end up being really long, but very fulfilling.

When I do have free time, I usually spend it with other people in my DTS. There have been lots of conversations, lots of games (especially a super intense version of Uno), a couple nights of playing Sardines, and even a DANCE PARTY! It already feels like I've known these people for months, some people even years. For this, I'm really excited to deepen our relationships together as we go through this stage of life together. 

Overall, this first week has been AMAZING. The staff is awesome. The view is breathtaking. The house is cold, but it gives such a warm and fuzzy feeling. I love these people and I love having so many different cultures and languages together, living in one community. God's presence is so evident in this place. We can all see that He is moving, that He wants to do big things with the people here, and with our DTS. And He's already working in my life, shaping me and molding me, breaking me, and making me more like Him. 

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