Thursday, April 21, 2011

Newsletter April 2011

Here's a look at the newsletter about my last six months abroad that I will be sending out shortly. If you would like me to mail you one, please contact me at
Hello Family and Friends!
It is unreal to think that it was only six months ago that I left sunny Camarillo, California for rainy England to do my Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I have experienced so much in these past six months that it would probably take another six months just to tell all the stories I’ve accumulated over this short period of time! I’ve learned so much and I’ve seen God do so much, both with and through myself, others, and this whole experience in its entirety. 
While in England, I was able to focus my attention solely on God, his Word, and my relationship with Him. During this lecture phase of DTS, I went through twelve weeks of intensive lectures five days a week, worship and intercession three times a week, and local outreach, small group, and one-to-ones with a staff member once a week. These three months enabled me to learn, to grow, to gain authority, and to dive deeper into the calling of missions on my life.

In December 2010, three staff and nine students (including myself) ended the lecture phase of DTS to spend ten weeks of service on the outreach phase in the beautiful nation of India. While there, we worked in slums at women’s and children’s clinics and preschools. We were also able to reach out to families in our neighborhood and to foreigners backpacking through India. Our main purpose for going to India was to serve the Indian people, as well as the backpackers, while displaying God’s love for them. Because of our obedience to God and His love for His people, He revealed Himself to many and forever changed lives. 
There were many times of difficulty and opposition, both in India and England, but I was always able to persevere with the help of God and your prayers. For this, I want to thank you so much for your support, both financially and prayerfully! It is a true blessing to see Christ’s people serving as one united body to further the kingdom of God.
What’s Next for Tiffany
It has been quite a radical transition coming back to normal life in Camarillo after six months of radical living abroad, but I am truly enjoying my time back home reenergizing, reconnecting, and seeking out God for the next stage of my life. Throughout my time abroad, I discovered a renewed and deeper passion for missions. I was reassured that that is where my heart belongs and that I should continue on in reaching the ultimate goal of becoming a full-time missionary. 
As for now, I am currently seeking out the Lord as to what step I should be taking next. The two most tangible options are: 
  1. Going back into YWAM. This could mean doing a secondary school that follows a DTS, or becoming staff at one of the hundreds of YWAM bases around the world. 
  2. Going back to school to study Biblical Studies.
As time goes on, the next step for this time in my life will become clearer, and I will be embarking on another adventure, whatever God may have in store. Until then, I will be living at home, working, and living the gift of life that God has given me for His glory.
Again, I want to thank you for your love and support over these past six life-changing months. If you would like to see more pictures or if you have any questions about my time in England or India, or about future plans, please feel free to contact me at
Until next time, 
Tiffany Matsumura